Let's Understand What is Glaucoma (काला मोतिया) Symptoms & Treatments
Glaucoma or ‘काला मोतिया’ occurs when the eye pressure increases and damages the optic nerve leading to impairment of visual acuity. Of all the conditions prevailing in the human eye, glaucoma is one of the most threatening ones. Glaucoma is also known as a ‘silent thief of vision’ as it has often no symptoms and may go unnoticed in the early stages. It usually manifests as a painless, gradual loss of vision. The lost vision can never be recovered. However, medical or surgical treatment can prevent or retard further loss of vision.
Don’t worry Glaucoma can’t hold you back any longer, Come to Visioncare.
Silent Thief of Sight Glaucoma.
- Slow often unnoticed decrease of vision
- Headaches accompanied by redness and pain in the eyes.
- Rapidly changing glass prescription
- Reduced vision in low light conditions or at night
- Seeing colourful haloes or rings around bulbs

Call us today to book your appointment for Glaucoma Treatment
Move beyond Glaucoma and begin your healing journey with Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital. Our team is always available to answer your queries concerning Glaucoma or any other concerns about Glaucoma treatment. You can visit our hospital to get free Counseling.
Get your eyes checked by a Visioncare Specialist if anyone in your family has Glaucoma.
- People above the age of 40 years.
- Patients with hypertension, migraine or diabetes
- Patients having high powered glasses ( plus or minus)
- Patients on long term steroids for other ailments
- Patients who have undergone previous eye surgery
- Patients with a history of eye trauma/ injury
- Those who have a family history of glaucoma (kala motia)
- If a close relative has it, then you should definitely get yourself checked for glaucoma.
- Pain around the eyes when coming out from darkness (e.g., as soon as the person comes out of a cinema hall)
- Colored halo rings seen around light bulbs especially in the mornings and nights
- Frequent change of reading glasses, headaches, pain, and redness of the eyes
- Reduced vision in dim illumination and during nights
- Gradual decrease of side vision with the progression of glaucoma.
- Affordable cost of treatment
- Team of experienced surgeons
- All facilities under one roof
- Use of state-of-the-art technology and the latest equipment
- Impressive success rate
Types of Glaucoma (काला मोतिया)
1 . Open-Angle Glaucoma (OAG) : It happens when the eye’s drainage canals become clogged over time. The inner eye pressure (also called intraocular pressure or IOP) rises because the correct amount of fluid can’t drain out of the eye. With open-angle glaucoma, the entrances to the drainage canals are clear and open. The clogging problem occurs further inside the drainage canals, similar to a clogged pipe below the drain in a sink. Most people have no symptoms and no early warning signs. If open-angle glaucoma is not diagnosed and treated, it can cause a gradual loss of vision. This type of glaucoma develops slowly and sometimes without noticeable sight loss for many years. It usually responds well to medication, especially if caught early and treated. This form of glaucoma is more common in Caucasians than others.
2. Angle Closure Glaucoma : This type of glaucoma is also known as acute glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma. It is more common in Asians and is very different from open-angle glaucoma in which the eye pressure usually rises very quickly. It happens when the entrance to the drainage canals is very narrow or covered over, like a sink with something covering the drain. Symptoms of angle closure glaucoma may include headaches, eye pain, nausea, rainbows around lights at night, and very blurred vision.
What are the treatments for Glaucoma (काला मोतिया) at Visioncare SSEH
Glaucoma or ‘काला मोतिया’ can be controlled with appropriate treatment. Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital recommends disciplined and regular treatment to tackle glaucoma (काला मोतिया). We have one of the best glaucoma specialists to help you diagnose and manage this eye condition and treat it to the best extent possible.
At Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital, with our team of specialists, super-specialist, and director of VisioncareSSEH Dr. Shakeel Ahmad and advanced state-of-the-art technology, we are fully geared not just to detect early stages of glaucoma or ‘काला मोतिया’ but to ensure comprehensive treatment and surgical management. Since most people with glaucoma (काला मोतिया) have no early symptoms or pain, it is important to see your eye doctor regularly. As part of glaucoma treatment, early detection and diagnosis play a critical role in preventing irreversible sight loss.
If you are over 40 years of age and have a family history of glaucoma, you should have a complete eye exam at a hospital that specializes in glaucoma treatment every one to two years. The glaucoma treatment at Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital in Meerut aims to preserve the remaining vision of the patients by lowering IOP (intraocular pressure) so that damage does not escalate.
Diagnosis and Screening during Glaucoma (काला मोतिया) treatment at Visioncare SSEH
The most advanced and sophisticated technology at Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital Meerut helps our team of Super Specialist doctors and our director Dr. Shakeel Ahmad to assess the optic nerve structure and function, measure eye pressure and evaluate the sensitivity or susceptibility of the eye to glaucoma damage.
A tonometer is a device used for checking intraocular pressure or eye pressure. It may be checked using Applanation tonometry (AT) for confirming the eye pressure and Non-contact Tonometry (NCT) for screening purposes.
The eye specialist at our Visioncare SSEH will assess the optic nerve status including the colour, shape, depth, and size of the optic nerve head to determine the overall health of the optic nerve. Ophthalmoscopy involves taking the 3D view of the optic nerve for better assessment. The test takes around 5-10 minutes and may do with or without dilation.
Pachymetry is the method of measuring the thickness of the cornea. Corneal thickness is critical because it can mask an accurate reading of eye pressure, causing doctors to treat you for a condition that may not really exist or to treat you unnecessarily when are normal. Actual IOP may be underestimated in patients with thinner CCT and overestimated in patients with thicker CCT. Pachymetry is a simple, quick, painless test With this measurement; your doctor can better understand your IOP reading, and develop a treatment plan that is right for your condition. The procedure takes only about a minute to measure both eyes.
Perimetry is used to map the field of vision or the entire area you see right in front of your eyes without moving your eyes. This is the most important test for glaucoma as it helps your doctor to assess the extent of damage of the optic nerve due to glaucoma. Often this damage is irreversible. Patients with damage to their visual field need to be very careful with their medicines as we need to preserve whatever vision is left.
This test uses a hand-held lens used with or without a coupling fluid to look at the filtration angle or area involved in drainage of aqueous humour. The doctor puts some numbing eye drops and places the lens to look at 360 degrees of the angle. In patients with angle-closure glaucoma, the angle will be narrow or closed and in open-angle glaucoma patients, the angle will be open. Patients with narrow or closed angles may be recommended a laser (YAG PI) to open the angles.
OCT is a very sensitive and sophisticated imaging technology to assess the optic nerve status. It measures the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, the optic nerve head (ONH) dimensions and the ganglion cell complex (GCC) parameters. Often it can detect glaucoma much earlier than other tests before even the visual field changes have appeared. It is important not only for screening and confirming the diagnosis but also to monitor the treatment. Your doctor will recommend this test depending on your eye condition and will then analyze the report to advise the best treatment for you.
Call us today to book your appointment for Glaucoma Treatment
Move beyond Glaucoma and begin your healing journey with Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital. Our team is always available to answer your queries concerning Glaucoma or any other concerns about Glaucoma treatment. You can visit our hospital to get free Counseling.
At Visioncare SSEH we make sure that your health is a top priority. Our surgeons especially Visioncare founder Dr. Shakeel Ahmad with over 18 years of surgical experience also ensure that at every step of the surgery, the patients are taken good care of, and they have all the answers to their questions. We have some of the best Glaucoma surgeons in Western Uttar Pradesh who have numerous years of experience and have been working with us for a very long time.
Frequently Asked Questions about Glaucoma Treatment in Meerut
If you are over age 60, diabetic or have a family member with glaucoma, you are at higher risk for glaucoma than others. Risk factors for glaucoma.
A glaucoma suspect is a person in who, in the doctor’s opinion, there is a high chance of developing glaucoma. It may be due to the elevated eye pressure or the appearance of the optic nerves. Some people may have pressures that are higher than normal, but is not associated with optic nerve damage and vision loss but they do not develop glaucoma and are called ocular hypertensives. Other people have optic nerves that might appear to be abnormal, but, in fact, are normal for them.
Glaucoma patients should avoid taking steroids in any form and, if needed, must inform their doctor that they have glaucoma. Self-medication should be avoided at any cost. Besides, avoid excessive tea or coffee intake. Avoid consuming large quantities of water/fluids in one go.
Excessive coffee (more than 2-3 cups a day) is associated with elevated eye pressure and is best avoided.
Glaucoma (काला मोतिया) cannot be reversed, but further damage can be stopped. Only in some cases like children, early intervention may sometimes reverse the damage and restore an improved visual field or optic nerve function.
Not really. Only one out of every odd individual with expanded eye tension will foster glaucoma. Certain individuals can endure higher eye pressure better compared to other people. Additionally, a specific degree of eye strain might be high for one individual yet typical for another. Regardless of whether you foster glaucoma relies upon the degree of strain your optic nerve can endure without being harmed. This level is diverse for every individual. That is the reason a thorough enlarged eye test is vital. It can help your eye care proficient figure out what level of eye pressure is typical for you.
Assuming eye drops have been endorsed for treating your glaucoma, you want to utilize them appropriately and as educated by your eye care proficient. Legitimate utilization of your glaucoma prescription can further develop the medication’s adequacy and decrease your danger of incidental effects. To accurately apply your eye drops, follow these means:
To start with, clean up.
Hold the jug topsy turvy.
Slant your head back.
Hold the container in one hand and spot it as close as conceivable to the eye.
With the other hand, pull down your lower eyelid which frames a pocket.
Place the recommended number of drops into the lower eyelid pocket. Assuming that you are utilizing more than one eye drop, make certain to stand by something like five minutes prior to applying the subsequent eye drop.
Close your eye or press the lower top gently with your finger for something like one moment. Both of these means keeps the drops in the eye and keeps the drops from depleting into the tear channel, which can expand your danger of aftereffects.